What is Orthodontics ?

Orthodontics is the specialty of dentistry that involves the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of dental and facial irregularities.  A dental example of such irregularity may be a “malocclusion” or “bad bite” where the teeth do not fit together correctly.  The practice of orthodontics requires specialized training in designing and applying corrective appliances such as braces, to move teeth the teeth and jaws into proper alignment.

What is an Orthodontist ?

An orthodontist is a dental specialist that is a registered dental specialist with the Dental Board of Australia that exclusively diagnoses and treats dental and facial irregularities.  To receive such registration, the orthodontist must have completed a three year post-graduate University degree, in addition to their base dental degree.

What Causes Orthodontic Problems ?

Some orthodontic problems are inherited, some are acquired through abnormal development.  Inherited problems can include crowding of teeth, spaced teeth, extra/missing teeth or mismatch of jaw sizes.  Acquired problems can be a result of finger/thumbsucking, airway obstruction by tonsils and adenoids or premature loss of baby teeth.

How long does treatment take ?

Orthodontic treatment times vary depending on the type of treatment used, treatment objectives and the severity of your case.  Simple cases are less than 6 months in treatment, whereas complicated treatments can take as long as 24 months in treatment.  Please view video below:

What is the process for getting braces ?

The process to orthodontic treatment is straight forward.  It starts with your initial consultation followed by collection of orthodontic records.  A treatment plan including costs is then provided to you.  Treatment is commenced at the following appointment.

When is the right time for treatment ?

The right time for treatment depends on the orthodontic problem and its urgency for correction.  Seeing the orthodontist at the age of 7 allows the luxury of full flexibility in treatment timing.

 Is treatment comfortable ?

It is normal to experience discomfort during the first few days of orthodontic tooth movement.  For the majority of your orthodontic treatment, you can expect to be comfortable with no problems with eating or speech. We’ve put together this helpful guide on managing pain or discomfort during treatment.

What are my treatment options ?

Common treatment options include coloured metal braces, clear braces, invisalign and lingual braces.  Find out more…